Drop WETHFI strong ETHFI?

What is WEther.fi?
WEther.fi is a steaking platform on Ethereum. One of the distinguishing features of ether.fi is that stakers control their keys. The ether.fi mechanism also allows for the creation of a node services marketplace where stakers and node operators can register nodes to provide infrastructure services.

Recently, ether.fi raised $5.3 million from various investors. They also confirmed airdrop at the end of May, and the $WETHERFI token gives the ability to accumulate and receive points for holding.

How to make money by storing $WETHFI?
Since it's built on the EigenLayer platform, you'll also start earning wether.fi reward points. For storing WETHFI coins you will be awarded points, 100 points per 0.1 eth. 1 point - 4 WETHFI
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